What did you learn about the topic from writing about it? How did writing enable you to learn this? How has your writing/thinking changed from draft to draft? What has been most interesting or exciting about this process?
- I gathered so many more ideas about my topic by just writing about it because it showed me that I can learn more about my topic by just writing as much as possible. I also learned that people who are not Jewish interpret the religious world completely different from me because they were brought up differently. Writing lets me express my thoughts and emotions, almost like I was speaking to a therapist because I learned I tend to get very interested once I start to write about my topic. My writing became much cleaner and better said because as time goes on you develop more vocabulary and intellect. The most exciting part about this narrative was that I got the chance to tell my whole story about what I went through this past semester because I felt like I needed to tell someone the full story, so I told it to myself.
What did you learn about the topic of writing and communicating about it in different ways? You wrote a narrative, conducted primary research (an interview), did secondary research on a cultural commonplace, wrote in a new medium (for the radical revision), presented your work, and discussed it with Catherine, Daniel, and/or Iain.
-I perceived different ways to communicate with others, after doing so much research. I gained tremendous amounts of useful communication methods by reaching out to friends and strangers. I’ve interviewed someone in my life before, but this interview helped me feel more confident because the guy whom I asked questions to, sounded like a voice that’s been in my head before even meeting him. You and Iain have helped me become a better writer by providing so much feedback and responsive answers for me to work with.
What choices did you make when you revised? What were your reasons for making these choices? What impact did this have on the piece as a whole?
-I made many changes after I revised because I gained experience and knowledge through this whole entire assignment. I made certain choices on changes because I change my mind about certain topics or feelings towards ideas and beliefs. My impact on this piece has brought me to become more into depth about who I am and who I can possibly be because that’s what my narrative showed me, after reading it over multiple times.
What have you achieved/accomplished as a writer through this process, and how?
- I have accomplished more than I could have imagined by putting in hard work and effort. This assignment overall has been a real pain on me because it really consumes so much time, but I still achieved so much for myself. I have also become the strongest writer I’ve ever been up to date because I’ve never written or typed so much in my life.